Category: Uncategorized

Baseball Registrations

Baseball registrations starting Monday December 11th. Registration is $75 for each player. Age groups are as follows: 4-6 year olds Tball 7 & 8 year olds Pitching machine 9-11 year olds Youth pitch You can register in the PAL Activity Center M-TH 10am to 5pm or registration forms are also available online starting December 1st.

Basketball Time!

Basketball registration is happening now! It is first come first serve so please don’t sleep on the opportunity. Divisions fill up fast!!! Registration is $100 and this includes the jersey for the season. You can register in person M-Thurs 10am to 5pm at the PAL Activities office or you can visit the website at […]

Golf Classic

Attention Golfers13th Annual Manatee PAL Golf ClassicNovember 6th at The Ritz CarltonGolfers, sponsors & donations needed!! Contact 941.747.1118 ext 252 or email for more information. You can also visit our website at to find forms.

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat coming soon!Mark your calendars for October 25th at 6pm *Free entry, free candy bags, bounce house and shout out to Wingz -n- things food truck for being on site. Please reach out if you would like to decorate your trunk for the event.

Jaguar Football

Jaguar football this Saturday at home! Come out and support your local talent. Main field:9am – 10U Jags vs Titans10:30am – 10U Vikings vs Cats12pm – 12U Jags vs Titans1:30pm – 14U Vikings vs Titans3pm – 12U Titans vs Cats4:30pm – 14U SWFL Warriors vs Cat Small field:9am – Flag Jags vs Vikings / Cats […]